1. babynames::applicants
  2. babynames::babynames
    Baby names.
  3. babynames::births
  4. babynames::lifetables
  5. classifly::olives
  6. cubelyr::nasa
    NASA spatio-temporal data
  7. dplyr::band_instruments
    Band membership
  8. dplyr::band_instruments2
    Band membership
  9. dplyr::band_members
    Band membership
  10. dplyr::starwars
    Starwars characters
  11. dplyr::storms
    Storm tracks data
  12. forcats::gss_cat
    A sample of categorical variables from the General Social survey
  13. fueleconomy::common
    Common models
  14. fueleconomy::vehicles
    Vehicle data
  15. ggplot2movies::movies
    Movie information and user ratings from IMDB.com.
  16. ggvis::cocaine
    Cocaine seizures in the US.
  17. hflights::hflights
    Houston flights data
  18. lvplot::census
    County demographics based on 1980 US Census
  19. lvplot::ontime
    Ontime Flight Data
  20. modelr::heights
    Height and income data.
  21. modelr::sim1
    Simple simulated datasets
  22. modelr::sim2
    Simple simulated datasets
  23. modelr::sim3
    Simple simulated datasets
  24. modelr::sim4
    Simple simulated datasets
  25. nasaweather::atmos
    Atmospheric data.
  26. nasaweather::borders
    Country borders
  27. nasaweather::elev
  28. nasaweather::glaciers
    Glacier locations
  29. nasaweather::storms
    Storm tracks data
  30. nycflights13::airlines
    Airline names
  31. nycflights13::airports
    Airport metadata
  32. nycflights13::flights
    Flights data
  33. nycflights13::planes
    Plane metadata
  34. nycflights13::weather
    Hourly weather data
  35. plyr::baseball
    Yearly batting records for all major league baseball players
  36. plyr::ozone
    Monthly ozone measurements over Central America.
  37. productplots::happy
    Data related to happiness from the general social survey.
  38. profr::nesting_prof
    Sample profiling datasets
  39. profr::reshape_prof
    Sample profiling datasets
  40. reshape::french_fries
    Sensory data from a french fries experiment
  41. reshape::smiths
    Demo data describing the Smiths
  42. reshape::tips
    Tipping data
  43. reshape2::french_fries
    Sensory data from a french fries experiment.
  44. reshape2::smiths
    Demo data describing the Smiths.
  45. reshape2::tips
    Tipping data
  46. stringr::fruit
    Sample character vectors for practicing string manipulations
  47. stringr::sentences
    Sample character vectors for practicing string manipulations
  48. stringr::words
    Sample character vectors for practicing string manipulations
  49. tidyr::billboard
    Song rankings for Billboard top 100 in the year 2000
  50. tidyr::cms_patient_care
    Data from the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services
  51. tidyr::cms_patient_experience
    Data from the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services
  52. tidyr::construction
    Completed construction in the US in 2018
  53. tidyr::fish_encounters
    Fish encounters
  54. tidyr::household
    Household data
  55. tidyr::population
    World Health Organization TB data
  56. tidyr::relig_income
    Pew religion and income survey
  57. tidyr::smiths
    Some data about the Smith family
  58. tidyr::table1
    Example tabular representations
  59. tidyr::table2
    Example tabular representations
  60. tidyr::table3
    Example tabular representations
  61. tidyr::table4a
    Example tabular representations
  62. tidyr::table4b
    Example tabular representations
  63. tidyr::table5
    Example tabular representations
  64. tidyr::us_rent_income
    US rent and income data
  65. tidyr::who
    World Health Organization TB data
  66. tidyr::who2
    World Health Organization TB data
  67. tidyr::world_bank_pop
    Population data from the World Bank